Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twitter and the Customer Experience at Bank of America

What’s the typical career choice for a Poly Sci/French major-the U.N.? The U.S. State Department? Well, for me it was banking. Not the typical choice, but one that has proven to be extremely rewarding for me over the last 14 years. I’ve had the opportunity to learn everything from operations, marketing, project management, and now creating the customer experience.

During my time in banking, I’ve learned that most importantly customers want to trust us. Customers have given us the responsibility to help manage their finances, and they expect us to get it right, every time. So whether it’s getting an address updated, a check card issued or understanding why a fee was posted to the account, we have a team of service professionals that want to get it right for our customers. However, in those instances where we don’t meet their expectations, we want to understand what went wrong and more importantly, fix it.

With the advent of social networking sites and blogs, companies have the opportunity to listen and learn from their consumers in ways that were not possible before. Companies can gain powerful knowledge on everything from product enhancements, customer service interactions and unresolved problems–but only if they listen. Social networking sites like Twitter enable that listening in real time. According to Matt Dickman, VP of Digital Marketing at Fleishman-Hillard, “Twitter is the ultimate customer service tool. It’s live, instantaneous, community driven, open, two-way and multi-way, unfiltered and predictive. “

As of last week, we are now listening AND responding to customers on Twitter. You can find us at BofA_help.

So we are entering a new territory. A place that is not familiar to many in financial services-but a place with tremendous opportunity. I look forward to the journey ahead knowing that for each and every tweet we engage in, we are looking to maintain and grow the trust you have in Bank of America.

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